Environmentally-Friendly Spring Cleaning

‘Tis the season - for spring cleaning!

As the daffodils and hyacinth start to bloom, we start to turn our attention to cleaning up the winter debris and make room for spring.

Throughout the years, I’ve been slowly replacing chemicals in my home to live in a way that’s friendlier toward the environment. More and more is being discovered about the toxic effects of bleach and other commonly used chemicals and their impacts on our health (such as our reproductive health or how our immune system functions).

When possible, it’s nice to find less or non-toxic options for everyday cleaning. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has a free guide to household cleaning. This website also has additional information on many common products, allowing people to see how the products they already use may compare.

Unless someone’s struggling with health conditions, I usually find it easiest to recommend using whatever products they currently have until one product runs out, replacing that product with another more environmentally-friendly option. This way, it doesn’t feel as overwhelming as overhauling all the cleaning supplies at once! However, if patients are struggling with symptoms and some of the products they are using around the home may be contributing, an overhaul approach may be helpful.

As always, please consult with your doctor regarding your own personal health plan!


Empowered Health and Ascend Health on Polyvagal Theory


Dr. Lilian White, MD interview with Green Pill